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Questions & Answers

In the Classroom

Below are some questions I am often asked:


When should my child start 11+ tuition?

For the vast majority of families, 11+ tuition is started in year 5 - but when? The best time to start 11+ tuition in year 5 is at the end of September. There are lots of different question types for your child to learn and then it takes time to build speed. I have had children start as late as a couple of weeks before the real tests, but this is not advisable because it does not allow time for depth of understanding, and training is very intense. 

Those tutees who start 11+ tuition with me in year 3 or 4 are typically very confident by the time they sit the real tests at the start of year 6. Starting this early is fantastic and the children enjoy the age-appropriate 11+ questions and puzzles.

My child doesn't want to do the 11+ tests, but we would like him/her to go to the Grammar school. Is tuition advisable?

It is very important that your child either wants to go to the Grammar school or is at least very keen to give it a good go. Children who really do not want to go will typically not pass the tests. Try talking to your child to explain why the Grammar School would be a great place for them to go and why they would like it there.

Do I have to sit in on the lessons? 

No, you do not have to sit in on your child's lesson if you don't want to. Some people choose to wait in their car. Others go to the shops or go home and come back at the end of the lesson. You can, of course, wait in the teaching room whilst I tutor your child, where you can sit on the comfy chairs; help yourself to a hot drink and biscuits; and use the free high-speed internet connection. The only time I ask a parent to be present during a lesson is when their child is demonstrating poor behaviour, but fortunately this does not happen very often.

Do you do shared or group lessons?

No, I only offer one-to-one lessons. From my experience, shared lessons and group lessons do not offer the same incredible benefits. With me, your child will have my undivided attention and there will be no distractions. Absolutely everything will be tailored to your child's needs including the content of the lesson; the pace of the lesson; and the perfect level of challenge. 

Do you offer fortnightly lessons?

No, I only offer regular weekly lessons because from my experience fortnightly lessons do not offer the same level of progress. Not to mention the fact that lessons are sometimes cancelled due to child illness or families going on holiday etc, so lessons can end up taking place on average once a month at best if you have only fortnightly lessons.  

Do you teach English? 

No, I only offer lessons in 11+ or Maths. Although I am qualified to teach English, I choose to focus on 11+ and Maths - the subjects in which I am a specialist. 

Do you tutor children in Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2)? 

No. I used to offer 1:1 tuition to children in years 1 and 2, but younger children naturally focus for only short periods of time and can tire easily. I felt that intensive 1:1 tuition for an hour with such young children may not always be appropriate - even when doing lots of fun, different, engaging, hands-on activities within the lesson. Parents can help younger children a lot at home by reading with them; playing games; and working through fun workbooks. I am happy to tutor children in Key Stage 2 (year 3 onwards). 

Do you teach children of secondary school age?

No, I only offer lessons to children in Key Stage 2 of Primary School (years 3 to 6). Unlike some tutors, I only tutor children in the age group which I am qualified to teach.


Can you recommend a secondary Maths tutor?

I can recommend an excellent secondary Maths tutor who is also a fully qualified teacher. She offers GCSE Maths tuition for children in years 10 and 11. Please contact me if you would like her details.

© 2020 Wolds Tuition and The GuruCrew Ltd

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